Soccer Coordinators Needed

Did you know that this spring there are 158 children in Holyrood playing soccer?  This would not have been possible without our wonderful soccer coordinators, Katrina Radeka and Teara Lapp.  After many years of volunteering, both Katrina and Teara are now stepping down and we need new Soccer Coordinators to keep this important program in Holyrood.

Holyrood will not be able to offer future indoor or outdoor soccer programs without new coordinators stepping forward. 

Responsibilities include; attending monthly meetings at the S.E Soccer Centre.  Planning and organizing outdoor registrations and volunteers.  Training, organizing and keeping coaches informed of upcoming events.  Managing a budget, the equipment and organizing the teams.  Answering emails and working alongside the Holyrood Community League Programs Director.

We know this sounds a lot, however if there are several people interested these responsibilities can be shared.

Contact Justine for further details at or 780-951-3151.